18 August 2015
It was back to the treadmill and the sub-130 HR run today for 45 minutes - just as well it was an easy session because I am tired today! Proper bone-achingly, eye-closingly, brain-numbingly tired ... I'm sure it's just a reaction from the weekend but I can't wait to hit bed tonight! One of my goals for this week was to go to bed at 21:00 at least four times to try and rebuild and recover from both the lack of sleep over my holiday and the extra strain I'm throwing at my body by increasing my running volume with these longer runs. Worryingly, I did go to bed at 21:00 both last night and Monday, so I have no idea what I'd have been like otherwise!
The good news is that this morning's run was brilliant - I only had to slow to a walk twice to lower my heart rate and one of those was right at the end. Otherwise my heart rate behaved itself beautifully, staying down at between about 125 and about 129 bpm. I'm pleased about this because I'm hoping it means that my training is actually doing some good!
That's it for today - tomorrow is back to Battersea and 800m reps. I'm hoping I've recovered much better by then and can really give it some welly, because it's my last Battersea session for a couple of weeks, and when I go back it'll be to do some technique work. Therefore I'd really like to smash it tomorrow but we'll see!
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