Thursday, 3 September 2015

24. The One Where My Heartrate Behaved Beautifully

3 September 2015

Normally I'd do sprints on a Thursday, but a few things conspired against me today, mostly:

  1. I ate two lunches yesterday so I haven't been feeling that great since**; 
  2. I'm all out of sync with the bank holiday we had on Monday; and 
  3. I  woke up to find that I had an unexpected Battersea coached session tomorrow, and I learned a few weeks ago that sprints before Battersea is a no-go.  

Therefore, I decided that it would be sensible to do a sub-130 work-out, which I normally do on Friday.  Therefore, I toiled off to the gym and climbed onto the treadmill.  I like this work-out because it's really easy, so it's not like I have the pre-work-out slump, but I do find it kinda boring!  Today's TV choice was the BBC's new Tommy and Tuppence series - but it's a load of bollocks!!  It's nothing like the books at all, and they've made the new characters into idiots!  So even that didn't engage me too much.

So that was the bad news .. but the GOOD news was that my heart rate was soooooooo well behaved!  I managed to do the full 45 minutes sub-130 which is fantastic as it's the first time I've been able to do that (I think - my Garmin ceased working last week so a little hard to tell, but I think I did go over 130 near the start of the session last week).  I was so pleased, especially because this is an inclusion in my schedule which I've always been really skeptical about.  I was persuaded to do it by one of the coaches at my Greek tri camp (the lovely and amazing Mary Twitchett) who swore blind that it really would do me good, even if I felt like it was too easy to be doing anything at all.  Since Mary is one of the most successful athletes I know (across all sports, in disciplines as diverse as duathlon and rowing), I could hardly just dismiss her advice and I'm so pleased I listened for once.

I'm off to bed early tonight after not getting any sleep last night (the effects of the two lunches) so hopefully I'll be all ready for my Battersea session tomorrow.  It's always a slightly scary session because I can never predict it, so fingers crossed!

** I am actually super-greedy so I would happily eat two lunches for no reason any day, but on this occasion I had a 12:00 - 16:00 meeting, so, not wishing to waste away in the middle of it, I ate before I went.  When we arrived, we were told that a table had been booked for lunch - A.MAZ.ING!

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