17 September 2015
I've been taking it easy this week in an effort to let my knee heal up a bit ... oh and cos IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY! YUPS! That wasn't the reason I didn't run on Tuesday, but it was sure the reason yesterday! I had a fabulous day full of food (by which I mean a four hour lunch, followed by popping into work for an hour or so - I wasn't on a day off - and then drinks and supper at my club, the House of St Barnabas). I hadn't actually intended to do anything for it because I'm celebrating properly after the ACC, but since people insisted ...! And I'm so so glad I did go out, I had such a lovely time. And also cocktails. Lots of cocktails. Mmm cocktails ...!
I can't say that the cocktails, the heavy food and the late night did wonders for my running today, however ... more like almost finished me off! I was doing a nice sub-130 work out to try and get back into the groove and test out my knee. It was at least the perfect work out because I can guarantee you that if I'd done sprints, it would have been unpleasant for everyone. My heart rate generally behaved itself though, although it did pop over 130 twice and I had to slow to a walk to get it down again, so it wasn't my best effort. Never mind. Maybe next time.
In better news, my knee felt loads better! I put this down to kinesio tape - I've been taped up all week and it's done wonders (together with the rest). I'd definitely recommend learning how to use and apply kinesio tape if you do distance training! Or any heavy training really; I had the benefit of three hours' tuition in it in 2012 and it has come in handy so many times. I wouldn't recommend just doing it if you don't know what you're doing, but if you do it can save a lot of physio's fees (and a lot of pain). Obviously I was training on the flat today on the treadmill, but there wasn't a shred of pain which is a massive relief!
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